Delroy Services- The First Make in India Teen Entrepreneur Initiative

Being a Teen Entrepreneur is more or less the new normal. Arya Bhushan Chadha and his friends are setting new benchmarks for the same with Delroy. Read more

I remember the days when I was in school. I was fond getting involved in certain activities and social cause was the way forward. And that’s the trend which prevailed at that time. Nevertheless, I had so much fun and a beautiful learning experience. When I look back and see now, children in school these days have so much exposure in all sense.

Entrepreneurship is a concept which we realized after 18 years. Whereas now, even the kids in high school are aware of business models, revenue models and what not. Education has become so very niche we can say, but it is not about the education but about the individuals will to think out of the box and innovate.

I recently came across Delroy Services, a teen entrepreneur which popped up as a result of the ongoing pandemic. What surprised me was the forward thinking ability of these kids to whom I wish to refer to as Teen Entrepreneurs. I got on to a discussion with the founding members of Delroy i.e. Arya Bhushan Chadha, Pranav Gupta, Priya Singh, Aryamann Aggarwal and Prateek Bhasin. Here are some excerpts which stunned me immensely.

An Initiative to Support Talent During Pandemic Scenario

How many of us thought, various skilled labourers are jobless due to the lockdown restrictions across the country? Well, we all know that layoffs were the norm for the past few months and daily wage workers too lost their jobs. They all decided something has to be done to support this particular faction and rolled out- Delroy Services where a freelancer can list their service to garner leads.

Design, Strategy & Execution from the Scratches

Studying the job loss scenario for freelancers and consultants, these teen entrepreneurs decided to build an application/website similar to Fiverr. Surprisingly, they claim it to be a Make in India initiative. They developed an application and website from the scratches with programming done with their own efforts.

Breakeven Achieved in 3 Weeks of Launch

While in conversation, Arya Bhushan Chadha claims, “We launched this service on 22nd of July, 2020. Even though the visitors on the site are less those are relevant audience. Whomsoever listed their services are now gaining 1 or 2 leads every day. Especially the need for photography, graphic designing, editing has high demand. As we charge a meagre amount for the listing, so far we covered our investment and are breaking even. By November 2020, we believe we can make profit with a higher margin.”

Moreover, when asked about the need for a seed investor, Arya says, “We do not need investors. We will grow with our own profits.”

Well, teen entrepreneurs did exist even in our age. But I hardly confronted anyone who came with a deep understanding of the business scenario across the world. Let us hope this initiative achieves more relevant synergies in the coming years and it touches new milestones.

On this Independence Day, Thought Habitat is proud to announce a Teen Entrepreneur initiative of New India.

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