, a Startup Initiative conceptualized during Uncertain Times, conceptualized by Arya Bhushan Chadha, Deepak Bishnoi and Karan Phull is the best way to seek resources during these uncertain times.

The COVID-19 pandemic is getting deadly day after day. While the government is doing all it can in overcoming the uncertainties, there are several challenges to be faced. At a time when we all have to strictly follow social distancing COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, stepping out for help too is utterly dangerous.

But, is there a way we can find help without stepping out?

Yes, ofcourse. At the comfort of your home, you can do a lot and, conceptualized by three young adults – Arya Bhushan Chadha, Deepak Bishnoi and Karan Phull is the best way out.

Thought Habitat had the opportunity to interview them and here are the Edited Excerpts.

What triggered you to conceptualize this idea?

As the cases were on a rise and there was a lot of confusion. Me and my friends thought that we should do something for society as we ( the youth ) are the future of the country . At that time people were posting stories on social media regarding the availability of beds, oxygen etc trying to provide leads to the needy , but it was of no use as the resources were limited and were getting exhausted quickly. Moreover there was a need to personally verify the leads as the patient cannot even afford to loose one second.

We decided that we should make a platform that provides a compiled data of verified information from beds to meals, doctor consultation and medication etc because it would become much easier for the patient to simply click on a website and get the information which is required by him/her.

You should have some data on how far it has reached. Would you like to tentatively tell us how many have benefited out of this?

In our first week of starting this website , we got an head start as youth famous celebrity rapper raftaarmusic shared our website. It surely helped us to gain some traffic into the website and for sure alot of people benefited from it.

Our website have reached a long way from getting about 7000 views in the first week to now getting about 55000 views in a month. But it’s not all about the views on the website, it’s about people who got help from it.

So we made a group on whatsapp in which there are 200 volunteers and they all help every COVID-19 patient’s family personally by verifying leads because in such critical situations time is really important for a patient and by giving verified leads a patient gets what he/she wants to recover.

The only thing that motivates me, Deepak and Arya is the amount of people we can help. The appreciation texts from patient’s friends/family after someone gets what they need (for ex plasma, icu beds, oxygen cylinders) really puts a smile on our face and makes us wanna do this work even more. All thanks to whole team and volunteers of to stay up 24/7 and make it happen.

Delroy services was your first initiative and then now Coronaources. What next?

Delroy services aimed at exploring the employment condition of the country and an attempt to enhance it. But there’s difference between and as Delroy Services was an entrepreneurial experience whereas is more of volunteering our resources. is not only about the website we’ve created, there is more activity that takes place on WhatsApp which we have to attend and respond efficiently so that no one is left in receiving any sort of help possible.

We have received excellent feedback on our attempt to help but I’ve thought it’s not only what is required or can be done from our end. We can do more. I mean there are other ideas with me as well and accordingly, i know they would do great in the future in the health sector.

If i listen to other people and stop wherever i am for volunteering, it wouldn’t be just it. Its like i know that my next venture would bring huge differences and i should do it to make lives easier for everyone. So for that i am looking for investors and hope to start my project soon, as soon as i find an investor.

Also, don’t forget to watch the Video Interview in our YouTube channel – Thought Habitat Speaks.

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