Destinations to Visit After COVID-19

After COVID-19
After COVID-19, we all have so many plans. Travel is in the first of that bucket list. Here are some potential destinations to go.

COVID-19 shunned our dreams of summer vacations. More than all, we are locked inside our houses until 3rd May. Unanimously, we all are waiting for this pandemic situation to end soon and roam around happily. Some are already planning huge. While some, are much happier sitting at home. Well, talking about the travel geeks, you’re definitely not going to Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, USA and most importantly, China. Rather, after COVID-19, you should try visiting some of the places given below. These countries are less affected so far. Some are with a good recovery rate. This means you can confidently go to these places for a holiday after COVID-19.


Experts say Greece is setting new benchmarks for healthcare management. This is one country with fewer cases of COVID-19 only because of their rapid measures. When it all began in China, Greece turned cautious and attempted to stop foreign entries as much as possible. In short, they are fast in recovery and post the outbreak, they will be happily welcoming the tourists.


Similarly, this island country came up with strong measures to stop the spread of Coronavirus like Greece. That paid off in terms of a linear curve all these days. Recovery is not a distant dream to this islander. Yet, there are strict lockdown measures in place. Possibly, soon we can see a flock of tourists going to Singapore.


This is quite interesting because, out of the 1771 cases, already 1328 recovered. Again thanks to their robust healthcare management system. They aggressively tested the population and isolated the affected ones. Yet another beautiful destination to be explored.


When COVID-19 began spreading, people said that it won’t survive in hot climatic conditions but their colder counterparts need to be careful. The situation is somehow contrary these days. Denmark and Iceland are among the fast recovery zones and less infected too. Their recovery rate is almost 60 percent and this means they are bouncing back soon. A visit to Copenhagen is definitely in cards, right? Well, I do want to go here.

These are some places I could research and write. If there are some more, do let me know. I’ll publish the same too. In the meantime, why don’t you play GLAD GAME?

Image by DarkWorkX from Pixabay

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