The monk’s pepper has been known as a medicinal plant for millennia. Some of its effects can be scientifically explained today: Agnus Castus influences the hormonal balance in humans and animals. It is known and proven to be harmonizing on the psyche and helping with a range of skin problems, itching and skin rashes.
In addition to numerous over-deliveries and experience reports of older and newer dates, many studies have now documented successful treatments of various existential disorders and diseases with monk pepper.
In May 2013, an Australian research team published the overall evaluation of previously existing data on the use of monk Pepper in PMs and cycle irregularities. Again, the results were very positive. Agnus Castus extract proved to be well tolerated and free of serious side effects.
PMS, the premenstrual syndrome, causes a whole series of existential disorders that severely affect the quality of life of the affected women month after month. A number of studies have investigated the phenomenon in recent decades, dealing with the causes and tested ways to alleviate the discomfort.
Laboratory tests and clinical trials were successfully conducted in Germany and China, among others, says Healthpally. Typical ailments such as aching, sensitive breast, water accumulation, inner tension and irritability, headaches, digestive problems and depressed moods could be greatly improved with the help of Monk Pepper.
Monk’s Pepper in Menopause
Most of the symptoms of menopause can be traced back to the release of hormone production. Initially, the progesterone decreases, and an estrogen dominance arises. Later, the estrogen level is also severely eliminated. These changes are part of a natural process.
Despite massive complaints about over 30% of all women, people can do their best in this phase to effect the hormonal shifts. The active ingredients of the monk pepper in the menopause “manipulate” less the hormone level, they are used in regulating the entire hormonal balance.
Monk’s Pepper on Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
The modern Phytotherapy research was able to demonstrate that herbal medicinal products with extracts from monk pepper fruits are extremely effective in the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS often has its cause in a hormonal imbalance. The complaints about PMS are manifold.
About 70% of all women suffer from PMS under swelling, exciting and aching breasts. As a result of water storage, weight gain may occur. Digestion problems, fatigue and headache are also occurring. The herbal active ingredients, as contained in the preparation of Mastodynon of Bionorica, intervene in the sensitive hormonal control circuit.
The physical discomfort, among which many women in the days “before the days” suffer, are improved by Mastodynon, a medicinal product which contains in addition to Monk Pepper in a unique combination active ingredients from five other medicinal plants, already after four to six weeks of ingestion.
Effects of Monk Pepper on Women Fertility
As early as 2006, employees of the Stanford University Medical faculty, CA, USA, researched the effects of Agnus Castus on women’s fertility. The result of the study showed that irregular cycles were harmonised and a whole series of test on pregnant women were tested during the treatment.
The menopause causes many women’s complaints due to the declining production of female sex hormones and the associated “displacements” in the whole body. Hot flashes, sweats, sleep disturbances, depression, irregular cycle with often over-severe bleeding and symptoms similar to those of PMS.
Instead of a hormone replacement therapy with many risks, it is advisable to support natural remedies such as the monk’s pepper. A clinical study conducted in Israel in 2007 is only one of many evidence that monk pepper helps women to overcome this transitional period more easily and effortlessly in a corresponding dosage.
Monk Pepper and Pregnancy
After ovulation, the so-called yellow body is formed from the follicle. It produces progesterone. This hormone is important so that the uterus can prepare for a possible pregnancy, i.e. the mucous membrane is sufficiently structured. If the time after ovulation (the corpus phase) is shortened by a progesterone deficiency, this can complicate a pregnancy.
How to Prepare Monk’s Pepper as a Drop
To produce drops on monk pepper basis, the fruits are dried, crushed and then transferred with an alcohol solution. The ripe fruits of the monk pepper plant provide the valuable ingredients for liquid preparations. They are dried, crushed and then transferred with an alcohol solution.
Medicines produced on the basis of organically grown plants are preferable. The application of monk Pepper tinctures or drops is usually oral. The recommended amount of intake is about 30 to 40 mg per day, says Healthpally doctor. Depending on the individual needs and severity of symptoms, medical advice should be obtained for a lower or higher dosage. The medicinal product should be taken over a period of at least 3 months. Only then can the first signs of change be determined.
Monk Pepper Dry Extract (Vitex agnus-castus) can be used as an effective therapy option to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. There are also convincing clinical data that Vitex agnus-castus is effective in the treatment of premenstrual chest pain (mastalgia). For dysmenorrhea, sufficient efficacy has not been proven. Vitex Agnus-Castus is considered to be well tolerated.
Author Info
Chaktty is a blogger and internet marketer, in his offline life, he likes to farm, make research, help others, study religions and cook.
Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay