Edutainment brings out the fun in learning: Siddharth Bhatia

Siddharth Bhatia, Co-Founder of Learning Through Fun, an edutainment company explains how different his brand is from the rest.

Parents these days are looking for different ways to engage their kids in some fun activities. The edutainment industry in India is becoming more competitive for this reason alone. Learning Through Fun, an Edutainment Activity book brand for children of age group between 2 and 8 years is an emerging brand in this space. Siddharth Bhatia, Co-Founder of Learning Through Fun is in conversation with Thought Habitat and explains how different his brand is from the rest.

Edited Excerpts

Education and entertainment are two different poles. How do you think the concept of edutainment is picking pace?

The concept of learning is evolving with time. Education is not just about running through piles of books and giving exams. Edutainment brings out the fun in learning. It’s education with entertainment in the correct proportion. With the level of exposure parents and children have today, edutainment is the best form of Learning.

Technology has now replaced traditional pedagogical techniques with edutainment as the focus point. In your opinion, are children getting more engaged than they engage with the traditional techniques?

Technology is important but one needs to strike a balance. Yes it does seem more engaging than traditional methods of learning because it’s quick and easy. But it comes with its own long term disadvantages. Book learning was and will always be equally important for best cognitive development.

To keep kids going forward with their learning there has to be an incentivizing factor. Some of the edutainment apps do that already. How different is it in yours?

For any education brand, content is at its core. And that’s exactly what children love about us. Our books are designed and crafted with the most engaging illustrations and content. Also we do not believe in making heaps of pages of repetitive content. Our books are designed in a manner that a child can finish 1 book in a day and have the maximum learning out of it.

Some of your edutainment sets are curated based on Indian Festivals. Tell us more about that please.

India is a land rich of fairs and festivals. Festivals link us to our roots. Our children celebrate festivals and hardly know the Essence of the same. With our book on Festivals of India, Learning Through Fun wishes to imbibe the significance of these festivals from an early Age. The book has already become our best seller with demand coming from the UK, US and Europe as well.

I’m sure you would have some happy customers in this short period of time. Would you like to mention some of them?

We have happy customers all around the world, especially many celebrities and influencers who have been our regular customers like Neha Dhupa, Esha Deol, Mira Kapoor, Soha Ali Khan, Pragya Kapoor and many more. We only wish to reach out to a bigger audience and spread the importance of early education while limiting screen time.

Well, unique startup ventures are emerging day by day and improving the growth prospects. Keep watching this space for more exciting updates.

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