Nyaykarta: Supporting Migrant Labourers During Lockdown

Lockdown restrictions in India have been hard on migrant labourers. Nyaykarta is supporting them all ways possible. Wondering how? Read along

The moment India went into lockdown, labour contractors, factories and companies washed their hands off migrant labourers and have stopped paying them wages . The labourers are desperate to  reach their native villages. Well, we witness this heart-rending visuals of weary migrants painfully trudging along roads. Unlikely, this is happening because we all failed to support them with food, shelter and conveyance.

Solving Migrant Labourer Issues

There was one such case of a migrant labourer travelling from Jaipur to Bihar with his family. They had no money left to pay rent and got kicked out of the accommodation. The employer didn’t even pay wages for the month of March or for the days he had worked. Nyaykarta, an Advanced Public Grievance Redress Platform stepped up to help this worker for free.

The experts at Nyaykarta took steps to resolve the  matter including preliminary investigation and communication with the opposite party. Also, communication with government authority, consultation and finally got the employer to pay the respective wages. This initiative, helped the family with the accommodation as well. 


Under the leadership of Mr. Shubham Sharma, a leading political strategist and public policy expert, Nyaykarta.com is India’s first such citizen empowerment platform. This allows people to get help from top legal & human rights experts from across the country. With more than, 500 experts in the related fields, it ensures affordable and nominal charges. Also, providing an alternative to the existing complex and costly legal system available in the country.

Mr. Sharma noticed how people faced immense difficulty in making their voices heard and recognised the need for a ground level change. This is with an urge to develop a dedicated platform with an efficient and experienced team to work on people’s issues. Also, it brings a social impact on their lives, he came up with ‘Nayaykarta’.

Assistance for All

Amidst the nationwide lockdown due to Covid-19 Pandemic, Nyayakarta is  offering completely free assistance. Also, it’s extended to migrant labourers, students, medical workers, economically weak and disabled people.

Well, good to see someone somewhere is extending a supporting hand to the sufferers. With the lockdown norms in place, various other people do suffer. If we all tend to support them with some basics, they can as well be free from all problems. Before leaving, do read something on liquor sales despite lockdown.

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