The inspiring story of a common man who funded the education of 250 students and still counting

Shashi Prakash Singh, a 36-year-old young teacher, has taken a wonderful initiative to provide financial support to underprivileged kids.

Shakespeare said that “How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”That’s how though seems common yet with his uncommon work he spread light to some lives, let us introduce you to an extraordinary personality Mr. Shashi Prakash Singh.

The initiative that makes every indigent happy 

Shashi Prakash Singh, a 36-year-old young teacher, has taken a wonderful initiative to provide financial support to underprivileged kids. Through his effort “Mission 2021,” he promises to financially sponsor 2021 pupils. 

Mr. Shashi Prakash promises to help pupils in the following categories with their school and coaching fees:

● Students from financially weak backgrounds

● Students who have lost their parents to Covid-19

● Students whose parents have lost their jobs due to the pandemic

Students from all the parts of India are welcomed by Mr. Shashi, for financial assistance. There have been several initiatives to support the education of children but none of them has been initiated by a common man whose father is a farmer himself. Mr. Shashi has not taken help from any organization till now, he is offering assistance out of his personal savings. He has already spent a substantial amount of his savings on the welfare of students. He is a one-man army who is ready to bring a great revolution to India.  

In May 2021, a program to help covid orphaned students was launched. In just 2.5 months, he had provided financial aid to over 250 students as of August 2021. 

Mr Shashi believes that education is the most important pillar for every impoverished or middle-class family. It is the only platform that can provide financial security to such families, ensuring their future.

With a population of over one billion people, India is a developing country where only one-third of the population can read and write. 

Inadequate financial support puts education in jeopardy. In India, the incidence of school dropouts is quite high, with poverty being one of the primary causes. 

Earning a living and taking care of one’s family are the most important concerns in one’s life; in such a situation, education has little or no possibility of being pursued. 

Education is regarded as a high-priced luxury for the poor, and this attitude persists with each new generation.

Knowing the importance of education for Mr. Shashi Prakash requests every individual to do their bit for the welfare of children who have to leave behind studies because of various reasons. Improving education is a crucial area of investment. In order to prepare India to meet the global standards, it is very crucial to let each and every child reap the benefits of quality education.  

The Covid-19 pandemic has wrecked the world; there is not even a single domain that is left untouched by this deadly disaster. Many have lost their source of income, many have lost their lives, and many have lost their livelihoods. Children are the most vulnerable target of this deadly virus. The ones who are orphans are not even aware that their world has been changed. Lucky are those who have relatives to look after them, but the ones who are left alone will experience a surprisingly uncertain future. Many of them will probably never set foot in a classroom. My goal is to provide financial assistance to every such child so that they can live a happy and prosperous life, says Shashi Prakash Singh

“There are two missions we are obligated to carry out during our life journey. The first is to seek Truth throughout our lifetime. The second is simply to be good and yes we are overwhelmed with this goodness and we think that our readers too. I know every one of us feels proud of him. Thank you for reading don’t be late in share.

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