TATA AIG’s #KnockToTalk Campaign for World Mental Health Day

Tata AIG General Insurance recently launched the #KnockToTalk campaign, to eliminate the stigma associated with talking about mental health.

Tata AIG General Insurance recently launched the #KnockToTalk campaign, to eliminate the stigma associated with talking about mental health. Wondrlab’s WYP conceptualized the campaign, which urges people to reach out to their loved ones and encourage them to talk, through an interesting film that is both surprising and relatable.

Amit Akali, Co-Founder & CCO of WYP Wondrlab said, ‘We wanted to draw people’s attention to the conversations on world mental health day. We wanted our film to normalise conversations around mental health, as it should be – and we wanted to do it in a tone which wasn’t too serious; in fact, sometimes in life, a serious point can also be made through a knock-knock joke or a meme.’

Rahul Chandwani, Content Director, WYP Wondrlab said, ‘We worked with a strong insight that people who are depressed often shut themselves from the world, more so because of the taboo associated with mental ill health. Through the video, we urged people to knock down their doors and open conversations. The craft of using cold and warm lights suggesting the moods of the protagonist metaphorically adds a lot to the film.’

Addressing this issue is of utmost importance. We need to empathize everyone living around us, and understand they are human beings like us. Tata AIG’s campaign is a welcome measure, and it is high time we all acknowledge the same.

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