Sales of These Things Might Go Up After Lockdown

After Lockdown
After lockdown, what are we going to buy first? Here’s what Thought Habitat crafted for you. Take a look. The results are quite obvious and surprising.

Well, our Prime Minister has again extended the lockdown till May 3rd. No big surprises as it was pretty expected. The only surprise element was this going till May 3. It is a well-known fact that we are heading for a recession post the outbreak or in fact, we must say it is already happening. Well, that’s for the economists to discuss.

On the verge of overcoming the lockdown blues, we are indulged in a lot of activities. Surprisingly our productivity has increased and we do a lot more. Yet, craving for certain things is high. We want to do shopping as usual and so much as discussed before. Therefore, the greed of our cravings and wishes is multiplying and that will reflect in the sales of these products post the lockdown. Here they are folks


Imagine the sales of alcohol before and after dry days. Both times, it stands at an exponential rate. Similarly, we’ve had a dry month almost. This means sales might skyrocket to new limits post the lockdown.

Street Food

Pani Poori, Sev Poori, Pav Bhaji, Bhel Poori, Ragda Patties, Vada Pav, Bhajiya and what not. Everything is in high demand now, but no supply. IF people tend to venture out, they will probably venture out for these things first. In fact, every Pani Poori tapri will see a long-standing queue.


New mobile phones, headsets, earphones, charger, power bank, laptop, and several others as well will be in high demand. The reason is, capabilities of their existing devices are saturating. Some might not even be working by now due to high utilization. Therefore, another product that people might step out to buy in large numbers.

Well, of all these are the most common ones that I predict will be bought the most. Folks out there are craving for more. Let me bring out those in my upcoming blogs. In the meantime, read my TAJ experience.

Image Courtesy: Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

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