Tamil Nadu is one place which since 1967 went on as a battle ground for regional parties. Even though, national parties like Congress, Communist and Forward Bloc as well as BJP had a say in certain pockets, overall it is the regional forces who dictate terms.
Perhaps due to the same, the sudden arrest of thought leaders with a nationalistic perspective did not invite much attention. While BJP’s Annamalai and Naam Tamizhar’s Seeman were raising slogans against the state government, the rest did not even bother about their arrests.
As a light at the end of the tunnel, the sizable number of nationalists and change seekers went on supporting these folks. In turn, we have a new set of mass leaders emerging gradually. Perhaps, by 2024 their opinions might have a major impact on voting patterns overall.
Here are some nationalists who had to face the wrath of Tamil Nadu Government in 2021
In early 2021, Kalayanaraman, a longstanding BJP member in Tamil Nadu was subject to arrest by the then AIADMK government. Goonda’s Act was imposed on him for allegedly disrespecting the sentiments of a particular religion. However, post the state elections and after months of imprisonment, he was out of prison.
But, his tryst with prison continues to haunt him. Thanks to his tweet in October this year against the state government. Seems like this person is more interested in creating controversies back to back.
Kishore K Swamy
A not so commonly known thought leader in Tamil Nadu. Thanks to his audio with alleged comments on the current state government and former chief ministers of Tamil Nadu. He was imprisoned overnight and when he was to get a bail, some of his comments on a yesteryear actress, Journalist etc pushed him further into jail with a Goonda’s Act. Finally, some days before the end of 2021 he could walk out of jail. Now, he has double the amount of followers.
A rather ferocious thought leader who is ready to criticize the Tamil Nadu government on every front in Maridhas. His eye for detail and tough tone leaves a lasting impact on the audience.
When honourable Major General Bipin Rawat’s helicopter crashed, he made a tweet comparing Tamil Nadu to Kashmir. However, he was quick enough to delete the tweet once he realized the mistake. Yet, an IT wing functionary of a regional political outfit quickly took a screenshot of the tweet and placed a complaint.
In no time, he was surrounded in his residence and later taken into custody by the state police department. Later on, he was slapped with sedition and other cases. If rumours are true, the police department made him travel from one city to another every single day.
Thanks to his legal team, which broke all the barriers and brought him out of prison. Even when all these cases were dismissed, a left wing influencer insisted openly on keeping him in jail.
Shibin & 24 Others
A young social media influencer from BJP. According to a tweet by Tamil Nadu BJP State President, for legitimate criticism of the state government, 24 frivolous cases have been slapped on this youngster. Along with him, 24 others too were subject to legal action for no reason. Yet, the national party deployed a legal team to fight for all of them and was quick enough to free them.
A Wrap to 2021
On the other hand, the regional political outfits are always keen on making derogatory comments on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Also, they are free to declare this state as a separate country. All this go unquestioned. If the central government is to charge them with cases, they might be subject to lifelong imprisonment. Yet, the Narendra Modi is absorbing all the criticism and correcting all their mistakes.
We believe going forward in 2022, all criticisms are addressed the same way by the ruling government in the state. Also, the regional political outfits should learn that using derogatory words against the Prime Minister will rather demean them and the state.
On that note, let us celebrate a Happy New Year as a nation. Keep watching this space for more.