Want to amplify the reach to a wider spectrum of audiences? then switch to Digital PR: Sonali Ramaiya

Digital PR
If you want to amplify the reach to a wider spectrum of audiences you need Digital PR for your brand, says Sonali Ramaiya, a vivacious PR Professional.

If your newly launched product gets written about by a leading magazine of your industry and you don’t publicise it online, what are the chances of the news reaching a wider audience? The news would definitely be read by subscribers of that magazine. But if you want to amplify the reach to a wider spectrum of audiences and you want the news to be recalled for building new customers, you need Digital PR for your brand.

If we split the two words, PR and Digital- PR is a marketing tool, used for building credibility and goodwill through positive news creation about a brand in media for business growth. Traditionally, this media happened to be newspapers, magazines, TV channels, radio. Digital Marketing is the usage of digital media and tools to promote a brand online to create online presence, awareness and promote a brand to ultimately grow the business.

Digital PR is the amalgamation of the two dynamic tools of marketing- PR and Digital, so as to build publicity on digital platforms and amplify it further to strengthen digital presence, create publicity, recall and build the brand.

How it works?

Digital PR agencies connect with journalists, bloggers, and influencers to get content published about your brand/product/service in relevant digital media like news portals, blogs, social media. This content and coverage, if further promoted through digital marketing like social media marketing, online reputation management, content marketing, and search engine optimization, reach a targeted set of audience, thereby creating higher reach and recall.

How does it benefit your brand?

The possibilities of online promotion are endless. If making your brand recognizable is your goal in marketing, then Digital PR should be your best foot forward. PR is 5 times more effective than advertising as it creates a pull through third-party endorsements from journalists and influencers.

It is also cost-effective as compared to exorbitant advertising budgets. While grabbing the attention of audiences in the digital age amidst a sea of competitors can get challenging, Digital PR encompasses a wide array of methods to trigger brand visibility. Persistence and creativity are two master keys to unlock the potential in Digital Marketing.

Amplification & Demand Pushing the Way Ahead

With the pandemic and its limitations on accessibility to print media and also offline encounters with your brand, Digital PR is inevitable for brand and business growth. These unprecedented times have accelerated the process of digitalization, making Digital amplification an undisputed leader of the marketing world.

About the Author

Sonali Ramaiya is a vivacious PR Professional based in Mumbai who began her entrepreneurial journey in April of 2014 with Public Relations being her forte. Sonali holds a Masters in Business Administration with Marketing as her specialization. She is actively involved with marketing intelligence, market research, brand management and ATL/BTL marketing.

Identifying the power of digital as the growth wagon for marketing in the future, Sonali has integrated Digital Marketing into her business since the lockdown. Her vision is to establish Roarrr Media & Public Relations as a 360° degree visibility solutions hub. A people’s person by nature, she wishes to venture into the realms of image and people management in the near future.

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