The real reason for blue badge verification in Twitter – Ashish Sharma, Add Media buzz

Ashish Sharma, CEO and Managing Director of Add Media Buzz is sharing his thoughts on $8 verification in Twitter and the real reason why it was initiated.

Twitter’s $8 verification plan is still the talking point across industries. While some show reluctance to do so, some are threatening to leave the platform, and some are even welcoming it. On that note, Ashish Sharma, CEO and Managing Director of Add Media Buzz Pvt Ltd is sharing his thoughts on the development. Moreover, he is taking us back memory lane and telling the real reason why blue badge verification was initiated in Twitter.

Edited Excerpts:

As a business owner in digital marketing field & specially entering Twitter case study, with our Olympics campaign for INOX & Twitter trending for all top brands like Times group, Coca cola, Mastercard, Shemaroo, MPL to name a few, we come across many genuine, cases of celebs & business, who are looking to verify their Twitter accounts, so to avoid impersonation by others, that not only spoils their name, but can be a threat to other users, who may get fooled with a similar name ac. as their fans & followers are searching for them on social media. Which was the real reason why blue badge verification was initiated.

But over the period of time every second person wanted to get the same thing & was ready to pay a price for it. Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, being a capitalist has converted this into an opportunity for both the user & Twitter as a business. As they don’t mind paying $8 a month, that’s 650 to 700 rupees a month. approximately 8000 rupees a year & so on till you can afford to keep it. Hence probably, Elon Musk feels it is fair as it gives an opportunity for all real users to get verified and not just the privileged ones.

But what this misses is the genuine people, who may not have the funds to contribute month on month or year on year, just to prove he/she is real. For example, in earlier days an editor or reporter of news media house was entitled for a blue badge, doesn’t matter how much is his/her paying capacity is, which will now, change to only those who can pay. 

What I can suggest is that Twitter can keep 2 policies i.e., one for the deserving one & let them verify, with the old process of applying & if found good under the requisite criteria, then only verify. Second for those who fail or don’t qualify, but have the money to pay for the subscriptions, like another Netflix or spotify subscription, they already may have. Now this is what, we can call  it fair & straight for all users. 

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