Putting three years of your life in decent school matters a great deal as to how productive you spend this significant period will decide to an enormous degree how effective your life will be. While inquiring about a college, it’s basic that you don’t make rankings your chief basis. You have to begin early and make the official university site your Bible. Invest energy in making sense of how the data you have accumulated from sites/pamphlets gets critical to your scholarly objectives and self-improvement.
Here’s a short rundown of measures to remember while looking into universities:
1) Courses and majors offered: Invest time in doing research at the various types of majors the colleges offer, center prerequisites otherwise known as central subjects, the blend of majors and minors, and chances to increase reasonable introduction by methods for concentration abroad or understudy trade programs. For example, keeping the current scenario of Covid-19 in mind, the need for medical and para-medical courses has increased manifold as the health industry is facing a shortage of resources. Hence, choosing this line as your career is both lucrative for you along with helping you in contributing to nation-building. Noida International University has a long list of paramedical courses. Not just that, they also have an in-house hospital that goes by the name, Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences or NIIMS. Having an in-house hospital opens the medical students not only to theoretical knowledge but also to practical knowledge that prepares them to be future-ready medical practitioners.
2) Campus size and the life: College is your shellfish and its assorted variety and size are significant factors also. Huge universities for the most part have more assets like scholarly fixations and majors, examining offices, personnel, culture, amusement, etc. Little universities for the most part spend significant time in human sciences training and the general experience is typically progressively close.
3) Location and climate: Though college is an extraordinary chance to investigate the new and obscure, location is one of the key aspects of choosing the right college. Some important facets while considering an institution are the proximity of airports, railways stations and other modes of transport to travel, availability of corporates and industry in the specific areas for training internship and future job prospects, location of other institutions for cross-institutional dialogues and interaction, along with the availability of places of leisure for students. Knowledge Park, Greater Noida is the biggest knowledge hub of India and houses universities and institutions of international acclaim.
4) College rankings: More significant than the general rankings would be the reputation of the department in which you may decide to major. You must research exhaustively about the college rankings of the institution along with the domain and course the college has been awarded. You must also ensure to check the bonafides of the bodies granting the awards.
5) Career possibilities and graduate: Alumni give you a brief look into the ethos a college encourages and permits you to decide which school resonates more with you and your professional objectives. In the event that a school has an eager graduated class, they can assist understudies with securing temporary jobs or even positions. One way that school decisions can influence an individual’s vocation is through profession arranging openings offered by the college.
6) Overall cost: Other elements might be increasingly critical to you actually, however at long last, the cost may best them all. Tuition based schools are normally more costly than open schools and state colleges. Be that as it may, tuition-based colleges will in general have bigger enrichments and offer more awards and grants. Every year, colleges offer scholarships to bright and deserving students. In the wake of the current situation, some institutes have introduced a scholarship, COVID Warrior Scholarship where it grants scholarships to children of field workers who are fighting against COVID like, health practitioners, policeman, etc.
“It is very noticeable that students are canceling their plans to go abroad for studies. Dreams of students having acceptance letters from their dream colleges abroad are now shattered due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The parents and the students to0 fear to go away from their families when the times are this tough. To all those students, I just want to say that this is not the end and India too has many reputed colleges that you might want to get into.” says Dr. Devesh Kumar Singh, Chairman of Noida International University.
“There are many international universities here that offer your courses, the cream faculty, facilities, the best campus, and yes, that ensure industrial training too! I feel students should not be disheartened and they should also consider the options available in India.” He adds.
Well, we can see seasoned experts are now expressing their concern for the public in choosing the right universities. Also, read something on medical tourism.