Theory of Reference Building : Legacy Matrix book is an outcome of 12 years qualitative research by the author and PR Consultant Devesh Purohit. The book shares insights on the elements and tactics for legacy building of a brand. Thought leaders who wish to craft a legacy for any brand would love to make notes and a roadmap from this book.
Legacy Matrix is the world’s only PR intellectual property for legacy building of brands. Devesh Purohit curiously started working on it from 2011. Shah Rukh Khan was a major catalyst for the curiosity and research for the author.
As a part of the research, the secondary data included books, documentaries, movies, media stories and word of mouth talks. Primary data included social observations, focus groups, conversations with varying people, on ground media events participations at Press Conferences, Trade Fairs, Media interviews among others.
With 12 years of research, Devesh highlights that ‘The history of the world is the history of a few people who had great PR minds.’ Either the PR minds were of their own like Steve Jobs or Mahatma Gandhi or the PR minds of close associates and advisors for instance Birbal for Akbar, Aristotle for Alexander or Chanakya for Chandragupt.
Devesh Purohit concludes that Legacy is built in the culture. For any brand to attain a legacy status, they have to penetrate varying cultures and become acceptable.
Theory of Circle of Legacy Building distinguishes between Fame, Stardom and Legacy and projects legacy building in a circular format. Theory of Reference Building is the soul of Legacy Matrix. Legacy Matrix demonstrates a strategic formulation in a triangular format that each brand needs to integrate in their PR Planning for crafting a legacy.
Legacy Matrix enhances the PR role of presence building to power building. The PR role of media presence, media profiling, panel placements, brand stories, online presence building elevates to creating a brand power, an influential power and a soft power with Legacy Matrix.
This book will transform the mindset from brand building to legacy building.
About Devesh Purohit

Devesh Purohit is a PR Consultant with expertise in the niche of brand legacy building. In a career span of a decade, he has worked with 70+ brands from varying niche that enriched his experience and insights.