Pratilipi identified my writing skills & Promoted Me: Ashish Trivedi

In an interview with Thought Habitat, Ashish Trivedi talks about his novel Sharp Shooter Babban and how Pratilipi supported him.

Ashish Trivedi attempts to derive stories from his immediate environment and translate them into novels. His novel ‘Sharp Shooter Babban’ – a suspense thriller, follows the transformative journey of a young man, referred to as ‘Sharp Shooter’ who must evade police capture by disguising himself as a monk with the help of residents from a local village.

In an interview with Thought Habitat, Ashish Trivedi talks about his novel Sharp Shooter Babban and how Pratilipi supported him.

Edited Excerpts:

What motivated you to focus on suspense thrillers more?

Writing suspense thriller is a challenge for a writer. You have to weave your story in such a way that the reader is unable to guess what is going on in the next part of the story and look forward to reading the story.

As of date, suspense thrillers and gangster stories are making rounds. While the arena is quite competitive, how do you ensure that you stand out from the crowd?

It is true that these days readers are enjoying suspense thrillers a lot. Hence, there are so many writers writing in this genre. But I think it largely depends upon a writer about how he can tell the story in a different way than others. If I talk about my book Sharp Shooter Babban, it is not only the story of a young man becoming a criminal, the book also narrates the story of how that criminal slowly turned into a good person.

In your opinion, what entices the reader the most in today’s scenario to read a suspense thriller that too in native language?

Suspense thriller is a topic which fascinates readers. The story takes on a twist in every part,  which compels readers to wonder what will happen next. If this all is in your own language then it is more fun.

Pratilipi has identified writers like you from small towns. Would you like to share your experience of getting published through Pratilipi?

I am grateful to Pratilipi for providing the platform to showcase my writing talent. Pratilipi has given me a reach to a wide range of readers. Pratilipi has also identified my skills and promoted me. Sharp Shooter Babban is the result of that. This is now in the form of a book and an Audio book on Pratilipi FM.

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