Learn Market Research with The Insights Place

Market Research is not Greek and Latin to understand. Aditya Rao of The Insights Place is all set to teach you online in layman terms. Join him online

With lockdown, our possibilities of learning more online are surging higher. We see Upgrad coming up with a Blockchain Management Course and Alliance Francaise Delhi with an online course for French. Well, these are not the only two options to see. We have more such as Udemy, Unacademy, Digital Vidya and it goes countless.

But there are certain unknown academies that are offering a value-based curriculum for beginners, intermediates, and experts. One such is The Insights Place. If you’re striving to study

  • Market Research
  • Research Methodology
  • Insights

Then, The Insights Place is the right place for you. But before all that let us know why is it important to study these things.

According to Aditya Rao, Founder of The Insights Place, “In this current scenario, the businesses and consumers are clueless of what comes next. Do the businesses need to deep dive into what the consumer’s deepest motivations are? What they are craving for? Their needs, their wants? The consumers on their part have been able to reflect on their lives as well. The threefold of subjects of MR, RM, and Insights help to be the bridge between the two worlds to understand and help the businesses identify and unlock the next areas of growth. They could also help answer certain existential questions of what next. Hence these are required more today than any other time.”

How it Helps?

Well, it makes a lot of sense, right? Also, one must know what are the career prospects ahead with these skills in hand. Post lockdown, how can we inculcate these learnings in our day to day jobs?

Answering this question, Aditya says, “Market Research is one of the key subjects in the field of marketing. It helps us be in touch with the consumers and get a better understanding of the needs and wants. It is critical in the field of marketing. Further to this, it gives one the ability to look at different sources of data, connect it to look at the bigger picture from a business perspective.”

Well, we have a unique online tutor in town who is ready to teach some valuable lessons. Ain’t it time to act upon folks? Come on, enroll with The Insights Place today and let your journey of learning begin. Also, do read what Alliance Francaise Delhi has to offer.

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